God's Will - How To Know?   How can a believer discover God's purpose  and be sure they are in the will of God and not just influenced by good intentions? A Christian who mistakes God's purpose and will for something else will remain intimidated by the influence of fear.

The will of God is ultimately realized under the direct influence of the indwelling Holy Spirit that breeds discernment which reveals the will of God versus one's good intentions. 

How can a Christian be sure they are in the will of God?  

  • Be sure you are already in the habit of obeying God (James 1:22 ). This is key.  Obeying God consistently will protect you from self-deception and build your sense of discernment about others and the environment around you.
  • Determine that you will glorify God spiritually and physically. The Holy Spirit will use that ambition to weed out or diminish the strength of one's own understanding. 1 Cor. 10:31. 
  • Read and study the Bible consistently.  This will help direct your steps away from darkness.  Your orientation will be principle over preference.  Col. 3;16 
  • Associate with Believers/Church in whom you can receive godly counsel.  Don't under-estimate the experience of godly influences in your life.   Psalm 1:1,2 ​

If all four of the above are in place, you are ready to discern God's will through prayer and if necessary: adding fasting to your prayers. Phil. 4:6,7. 

  • The Bible and God's Will

​​Ultimately, the Bible is the key. The Holy Spirit will always exhibit the undiluted sternness of the Word of God. Why? There is no greater necessity for the believer than an unflinching faithfulness to the Word of God. This will inevitably result in the withering of our personal preferences which will result in clarity of God's will in all matters of life... making void the taunting influence of fear.

Trusting the Word of God accepts the fact that there are no other reserves to draw upon. All other means apart from the stern and sure admonition of God's Word will only leave us unpredictable, discontented and irrational. We are afforded God's demand to reject any and all substitutes for the Word of God. The Holy Spirit will never make this a matter of debate.  God's Word and our obedience to it is the only pattern to knowing and exacting God's will (Eccl. 12:13). 

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger

