


Epistle of Jude continued

  • Their Wicked Condition- vs. 10
  1. They Lack Eternal Value -

a.  Heard by their blasphemous mouths - 10a. ...these speak evil
b.  Heeded by their blinded minds - 10b. ...which they know not…

        2.  They Back Earthly Values -
a.  Their knowledge was incomplete - 10c. ...but what they know
b.  Their knowledge was instinctive - 10d. ...naturally
c.  Their knowledge was inhuman - 10e. ...as brute beasts…
3.  They Shack With Evil Values -
a.  Their Dwelling is carnal - 10f. ...in those things
b.  Their Hell is their choice - 10g. ...they corrupt themselves...

Sinners have no just reason for their hatred in the ultimatum of the gospel's call to salvation. The principle of the Gospel (Eph. 2:8,10) is not impossible to comply with. Thus, the sinner is assured of salvation that cannot be rendered impossible. Or else, the sinner has just cause to hate God.

A sinner's hatred of God has no strength to prevent God's great invitation of salvation by grace in and through Jesus Christ (Romans 5:8). How blessed we are that God in His longsuffering was not willing that any should perish... but that ALL should come to repentance. 

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger  

​​Epistle of Jude verses 8 to 10 Deposing the Belligerent

Jesus Said in John 15:25   But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.

Why do sinners hate God and His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ?  The answer is simple. Sinners naturally hate God, because they are decisively and deliberately selfish; and God is (by His very nature) contrary to the sure intent of the human heart. Yet, we have no justification to hate God. That is, we have no legitimate reason for doing so. God did not create us to hate him... but to know him and love him. Yet, man in his sinful state chose to remain in darkness.  

  • Their Wicked Disposition - vs. 8
  1. They Are Sensual - 8a. ...filthy dreamers
  2. They Are Sexual - 8b. ...defile the flesh
  3. They Are Stubborn - 8c. ...despise dominion
  4. They Are Slanders - 8d. ...speak evil of dignities
  • Their Wicked Position- vs. 9
  1. The Archangel Is Michael - 9a. The name Michael means: Like God!
  2. The Adversary Is Mighty - 9b
  3. The Argument About Moses - 9c
  4. The Authority Of The Master - 9d