Epistle of James Chapter 3  continued:  

  • The Ultimate Product of Maturity - vs. 3-18 Positive & Negativ
  1. The Controlled Tongue - vs.3,4
  2. The Contaminated Tongue - vs.5,12
  3. The Consecrated Tongue - 13        Note:  The Consecrated Tongue Is Marked By Godly Wisdom - vs.13

        a.  Godly Awareness - vs.13a  ...Who is a wise man...
        b.  Godly Actions - vs.13b  ...let him show...
        c.  Godly Attitude - vs.13c   ...with meekness of wisdom...

       4.  The Conflicting Tongue Void Of Godly Wisdom - vs.14

Note:  The Conflicting Tongue Masquerades As Godly Wisdom... But its not. vs.14,16
a.  The Rebuke of False Wisdom - vs.14  ...ye have bitter envying and strife...
b.  The Reality of False Wisdom - vs.15 ...not from above...
c.  The Result of False Wisdom  - vs.16  ...there is confusion, and every evil work.
5.  The Content of A Godly Tongue of Wisdom vs.17
        a.  It Is Pure - vs.17a  ...is first pure...
        b.. It Is Peaceable - vs.17b  ...then peaceable...
        c.  It Is Patient - vs.17c  ..gentle...
        d.  It Is Persuasive - vs.17d   ...easy to entreated...
        e.  It Is Productive - vs.17e   ...full of mercy... good fruits...
 6. The Contentment of A Godly Tongue of Wisdom - vs.18  ...it is sown in peace...

How can we know for sure that we are listening to God? The answer is actually quite simple:  Just listen to what you are asking for. If you find yourself asking for the wisdom of God; you are listening to God.  The key to controlling the tongue are ears controlled by the Holy Spirit and  swift to listen to God.

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger





​​Epistle of James Chapter Three.   Chapter three comes as a warning on the use of the tongue and in particular, the use of the gift to teach.   We see a clear need for a mouth washing.   

James provides a twofold warning:

  • The teacher will be under greater scrutiny from God. 
  • The primary teaching tool is the tongue which must be under the control  of  the Holy Spirit.

I.  A Warning To Teachers - vs.1

  • Notice To Whom The Warning Was Designed - vs.1a ...My brethren...
  • Notice What The Warning Declared - vs.1b  ...be not many masters...
  • Notice Why The Warning Was Delivered - vs.1c-e
  1. Teaching Reveals God's Call - vs.1c  ...knowing that we...
  2. Teaching Requires Great Care - vs.1d  ...shall receive...
  3. Teaching Receives Greater Condemnation - vs.1e  ...greater condemnation...

II.  The Warning For The Tongue - vs.2-18

  • The Unavoidable Problem In Reaching Maturity - vs.2a   ...For in many things we offend all...
  • The Undeniable Proof of Reaching Maturity - vs.2b   ...if any man offend not in word... a perfect man...