Book of Jonah Chapter One.  

Chapter one begins with God's call on Jonah's life to the work of evangelism.  This call is not welcomed... even resisted.  Yet, God is long-suffering and wins Jonah's attention.  It really is true:  You can't run from God... you can only run into God.  

I.  The God Who Seeks - vs.1a,b

  • A Determined Search - vs.1a  ...Now
  • A Direct Search - vs.1b   ...came unto Jonah...

II. The God Who Speaks - vs.1c-2

  • He Speaks Directly - vs.1c  ...unto Jonah... saying...
  • He Speaks Definitively - vs.2   ...Arise, go to Nineveh...



Book of Jonah Chapter One...  Continued...

III. The God Who Spanks - vs,3-17  Note:  God chastens his children parentally... not judicially.

  • A Provoked Spanking - vs.3   ...But Jonah rose up to flee... from the presence of the Lord...
  • A Providential Spanking - vs.4

The Source Of The Spanking - vs.4a   ...But the Lord...
The Force Of The Spanking - vs.4b   ...a great wind into the sea...
The Course Of The Spanking - vs.5-17      

a.  The Course Provokes Fear Amongst The Pagans - vs.5-7

Note:  Revealed by their panic - vs.5a   ...mariners were afraid...
Note:  Revealed by their polytheism - vs.5b   ...cried every man unto his god...

Note:  Revealed by their priorities - vs.5c   ...cast forth the wares...
 b.  The Course Provokes A Fury Against The Prophet - vs.6,10
 Note:  They want to know "What" - vs.6  ...What meanest thou...
 Note:  They want to know "Who" - vs.7   ... whose cause this evil...
 Note:  They want to know "Why" - vs.8,10  ...Why hast thou...

 c.  The Course Provokes A Focus On The Problem - vs.11,16
Note:  They Seek A Solution - vs.11   ...What shall we do....
Note:  They Secure A Resolution - vs.12   ...cast me forth...
       First:  They tried to save Jonah's life - vs.13
       Second:  They tried to seek Jonah's Lord - vs.14
       Third:  They tried to satisfy Jonah's Lord - vs.15
       Fourth:  They tried to serve Jonah's Lord - vs.16

d.  The Course Provides A Fish For The Prophet - vs.17
      Note:  It Was A Providential Fish - vs.17a   ...Now the Lord had...
      Note:  It Was A Prepared Fish - vs.17b   ...had prepared...
      Note:  It Was A Preying Fish - vs.17c   ...to swallow up Jonah...

Jonah was moved by carnal tendencies.  The classic symptom of carnality is an unwillingness to listen and follow through with God's will (1 Cor. 3:1,2).     Christians cannot afford to live in a constant state of carnality. It results in reckless pursuits that undermines spiritual growth. Discerning Believers understand that carnality is a perpetual state of counterfeiting God's will for selfish inclinations.

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger