
Epistle of First John Chapter Four continued..  

  • ​Our Five Senses - The Wonder - Us In God/Christ - vs.5,6
  1. Reflectiveness - vs.6a  ...We are of God...
  2. Receptiveness - vs.6b  ...He that knoweth God...
  3. Responsiveness - vs.6c   ...Hereby know we...
  4. Restrictiveness - vs.6d   ...the spirit of truth... Our only consideration.
  5. Repentiveness - vs.6e   When in error... we change
  • Our Essence - Who & What We Are In Christ - vs.7-21
  1. Our Character Is To Love - vs.7-13

a.  Exhortation To Love - vs.7   ...Beloved, let us love...
b.  Effect Of Love - vs.8,9  A Changed Life.
c.  Evidence Of Love - vs.10-13

Note:  The evidence is in the character of our thoughts - vs.11  ...we ought to love...

Note:  The evidence is in the character of what we are taught - vs.12,13

1.  God Is Invisible - vs.12a   ...No man hath seen God...

2.  God Indwells - vs12b   ...God dwelleth in us...
3.  God Instills - vs.13   ...given us of His Spirit...
2. Our Character Is of The Lord - vs.14,21
a.  Christ Is Our Salvation - vs.14,16   ...the Savior of the world...
b.  Christ Is Our Sanctification - vs.17,19 ...because as He is, so are we in this world.

Note:  Sanctification is Internal - vs.18,19  ...love casteth out fear...

Note:  Sanctification Is external - vs.20,21   ...he who loveth God love his brother also.

The apostle John opens with a hatred for false teachers and their heresy and concludes this chapter with loving our brothers and sisters in the Lord.  Our only sufficiency necessary to expose heresy and heretics and root it out is the Word of God rightly divided under the direct influence of the Holy Spirit.  Ultimately, God's love will be noted in how we treat other believers.  God is love.



​​​Epistle of First John Chapter Four.  
The apostle John begins chapter four by expressing a zero tolerance for false teachers and heresy.

It is not unusual for Churches to unknowingly entertain heretical teaching. How do we detect heresy and heretics and root it out?  Staying alert and remaining a diligent student of God's Word is key.

  • Our Defense - The Word - God In The Flesh - vs.1-3
  1. Stop Believing Every Spirit - vs.1a  ...believe not every spirit...
  2. Start Trying The Spirits - vs.1b   ...but try the spirits...
  3. Stand Against The False Spirits - vs.2,3

a.  Stand By Testing The Conversation - vs.3a  ...confesseth not... 
b. Stand By Testing The Content Of Their Teaching - 3b.  ...confesseth not that Jesus...

Note:  False Teachers always compete against Christ...

a.  They Persecute - Acts 7:51,52

b.  They Persuade - Acts 8:8-10; Galatians 3:1
c.  They Perform - 2 Corinthians 11:13,15

  • Our Offense - The Work - God In Us - vs.4
  1. God Is Definite of Us - vs.4a   ...Ye are of God...
  2. God Is Defensive For Us - vs.4b   ...greater is He...