​​Epistle of James Chapter Five   Chapter five is hard-hitting on selfish rich people... while being rich is not a sin... selfishness is often the outcome of being rich. 

It is interesting to note that not once in this section (vs. 1,-6) does James use the term brethren, until he gets to verse seven.  He is dealing with wealthy, unsaved Jews who are mistreating impoverished Jews who slave for them.  This is certain to bring God's judgment.  He does, however, encourage the believers to focus on eternal glory.

I.  The Rich Unbeliever Will Come To Weeping - vs.1

  • Their Fall - vs.1a  ...weep and howl...
  • They Shall - vs.1b  ...your miseries shall come upon you...

II.  The Rich Unbeliever Will Come To Reaping - vs.2,3

  • Reap Corruption - vs.2  ...your riches are corrupted...
  • Reap Interruption - vs.3   ...your garments are moth-eaten...gold, silver is cankered...

Epistle of James Chapter 5  conclusion:  

​​II.  The Rich Unbeliever And Their Keeping - vs.4

  • They Keep Steeling - vs.4a  ...kept back by fraud...

III.  The Rich Unbeliever And Their Heaping - vs.5,6

  • Seen In Their Life - vs.5a   ...ye lived in pleasure...
  • Seen In Their Love - vs.5b  ...been wanton... nourished your hearts...
  • Seen In Their Lack - vs.6
  1. Lack of Respect - vs.6a   ...ye have condemned... the just...
  2. Lack of Remorse - vs.6b   ...and killed the just...
  3. Lack of Repentance - vs.6c   ...he doth not resist you...​

IV.  The Rich Believer And Their Hope - vs.7,12

  • Be Patient - vs.7,12
  1. Practice of Patience - vs.7   ...Be patient therefore...
  2. Profit In Patience - vs.8,12 ...heard of the patience of Job...
  • Be Prayerful - vs.13,18
  1. Seasons of Prayer:  In Times of Trouble & Triumph - vs.13
  2. Reasons For Prayer:  Raise Up The Sick & Restore The Sinner - vs.14,18
  • Be Pitiful - vs.19,20
  1. Be A Soul Warner - vs.19
  2. Be A Soul Winner - vs.20

Seeing reality God's way takes a tremendous amount of discipline. It is the sense of worth that we gain from doing so that compels us to a habit of obedience regardless of what we see or don't see with our naked eye. We perceive that there is one reality that changes not: The Word of God.

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger

