​​​​​Book of Romans Chapter Eleven.  Never Hopeless
Chapter eleven provides an outline of insistent hope.  The restoration of Israel is promised and provided for in Christ Jesus.  More specifically,  God has not abrogated His promises to Israel.  While it is true, Israel has temporarily been laid aside... Her future is sure. 

Paul points out that during this time of Israel's temporary hold (which is present), the Church, which is made up of both Jew and Gentile is invested in bringing the gospel of grace to the world.  Israel will once again be restored and prosper in the realm of God's blessings during the reign of Christ on earth known as the Millennium.

I.  God's Personal Assurance - vs.1,2

  • The Expression Of Assurance - vs.1a  ...God forbid.... 
  • The Example Of Assurance- vs.1b  ...For I also am an Israelite...
  • The Explicit Assurance - vs.2  ...God hath NOT cast away his people...

II.  God's Personal Assistance - vs.2,3

  • His Word - vs.2  ...the scripture saith...
  • His Work - vs.3  ...I have reserved to myself...





Romans Chapter Eleven  continued  

III.  God's Personal Acknowledgement - vs.5,10

  • He Acknowledges His Remnant - vs.5   ...there is a remnant..
  • He Acknowledges The Remedy - vs.6 ...by grace...
  • He Acknowledges The Rebels - vs.7-1  There is both a minority and majority group outlined.  It is the majority of Jews in which Paul places as the rebels... or non-remnant, while the minority, in which he includes himself are seen as the remnant.  Note the majority by three O.T writers:

Note:  Moses Speaks Of Unbelieving Jews - vs.7-8a (Deut. 29:4)
Note:  Isaiah Speaks Of Unbelieving Jews - vs.11:8b (Isaiah 29:10)
Note: David Speaks Of Unbelieving Jews - vs.9-10 (Psalms 69:22,23

IV.  God's Personal Awareness - vs.11,36

  • The God of Mercy - vs,11-12
  • The God of Ministry - vs.13-14
  • The God of Measure - vs.15-24
  • The God of  Mystery - vs.25
  • The God of The Messiah - vs.26
  • The God of  Means - vs.27-32 - The Only Means Of Salvation
  • The God of  Majesty - vs.33-36  ...to whom be glory for ever...

The blessed hope of the Church is the imminent return of Christ to take the Church home before the Great Tribulation.  The blessed hope of Israel is the Second Coming of Her Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger