​​Book of Romans Chapter One Continued:  vs.8-15.  
The Gospel Is A Very Personal Matter. Sometimes we are reluctant to do God's will. We find it inconvenient .  We are too busy. We feel uncomfortable. At such times we are tempted to ignore God and hope He goes away. When he doesn't, we may even try to justify our reluctance with our own sense of insecurity or even our sense of inferiority. Possibly, you feel that God may be calling you to do the impossible.

The gospel of Christ is God's means to provide personal assurance that encourages believers to follow Christ as did the apostle Paul.

  • Note Paul's Personal Gratitude - vs.8
  1. The Priority Of His Gratitude - 8a ...First, I thank my God...
  2. The Serenity Of His Gratitude - 8b ...through Jesus Christ...
  3. The Clarity Of His Gratitude - 8c-8d

    He Notes Their Faith - 8c ...that your faith...
    He Notes Their Fruitfulness - 8d ...throughout the whole world...



Book of Romans Chapter 1 continued: vs. 9-15  

  •  Note Paul's Personal Latitude - vs.9

    I. The Gospel's Call To Accountability - 9a ...For God is my witness.

    II.. The Gospel's Call To Responsibility - 9b-9e

  1. To Acknowledge God's Ownership - 9b ...whom I serve...

  2. To Acknowledge God's Omnipotence - 9c ...in the gospel...

III.  The Gospel's Call To Durability - 9f ...that without ceasing...

Note Paul's Personal Attitude - vs.10-15

  1. A Positive Attitude - 10 ...I might have a prosperous journey...
  2. A Powerful Attitude - 11 ...by the will of God...
  3. A Passionate Attitude - 12-15

To Encourage - 12 ...comforted together with you...
To Enlighten - 13 ...I would not have you to be ignorant...
To Evangelize - 14 ...I am debtor to the Greeks, and the Barbarians.
To Equip - 15 ...I am ready to preach...

Whom ever God calls to ministry... they will realize within their heart the sense of divine presence and power and purpose. The Holy presence of God must be considered the only exercise that assures victory over our fear of being used personally by God. Any other consideration is certain to abandon us to the wasteland of uselessness. God's Calling Is Without Repentance.