Book of Philemon... Continued...
a. The Appeal Is Personal - vs.8,10 enjoin thee...
Note: The Basis Of This Personal Appeal - vs.8 ...Christ...
Note: The Blessing In This Appeal - vs.9,12, ...for love's sake...
Paul Is Asking Philemon To Forgive Onesimus' sins... vs.10
Paul Is Asking Philemon To Forget Onesimus' sins - vs.11,12b.
b. The Appeal Is Reasonable - vs.13,17
Onesimus Is A Fellow Believer - vs.13,14 ...he... ministered...
Onesimus Is A Faithful Believer - vs.15,17
1. Onesimus Repented - vs.15
2. Onesimus Is Complimented - vs.16,17III.
Note Paul's Deal With Philemon - vs.18,25
a. Paul's Promise - vs.18,19 ...put that on mine account...
b. Paul's Premise - vs.20.21 the Lord... knowing that thou wilt also do more that I say.
c. Paul's Plans - vs.22 ...prepare me also a lodging...
d. Paul's People - vs.23,24
1. Paul Is Kind To Others - vs.23a ...There salute thee...
2. Paul Is Mindful of Others - vs.24 .... ...Epaphras... Marcus...
d. Paul's Prayer - vs.25 ...The grace of our Lord...
1. The Means of Paul's Prayer - vs.25a ...The grace...
2. The Meaning of Paul's Prayer - vs.25b ...our Lord Jesus Christ...
3. The Meaningfulness of Paul's Prayer vs.25c with your spirit.
Forgiveness is an essential ingredient of the Christian life. Jesus Christ provided himself as the perfect example of forgiveness. Forgiveness is not excusing one's offense, it is literally absorbing the cost of one's offense. Jesus Christ literally bore our sins and the consequence of our sin... death. Thus, forgiveness can be painful and costly, it is the ultimate hallmark of Christ-likeness.
Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger
Book of Philemon. The Believer in Christ
The epistle of Philemon was written by the apostle Paul while imprisoned in Rome. There are three main characters (Paul, Philemon, and Onesimus) that Paul himself used to focus on the important doctrine of "The Believer in Christ".
The point Paul makes dogmatically with Philemon is that there is neither bond nor free... we are equal in Christ. Paul is asking Philemon to forgive Onesimus as Christ has forgiven him.
a. Philemon's Friends - vs.1 ...Paul...dearly beloved...
b. Philemon's Family - vs.2 ...Apphia (his wife)...and Archippus (his son)...
c. Philemon's Faith - vs.3
Note: His Faith Is Original By Grace - 3a ...Grace to you...
Note: His Faith Originated With God - vs.3b ...from God...and the Lord Jesus Christ.
d. Philemon's Faithfulness - vs.4,5
Note: His Faithfulness Is Prayed For - vs.4 my prayers...
Note: His Faithfulness Is Praised - vs.5 ...Hearing of they love and faith...
e. Philemon's Fruitfulness - vs.6,7
Note: His Teaching Is Fruitful - vs.6 ...That the communication of thy faith...
Note: His Reaching Is Fruitful - vs.7 ...bowels of the saints are refreshed by thee...
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