The Book of Revelation Chapter Twelve. 

Chapter twelve provides a significant description of some of the major  players and movements of the latter half of the Tribulation.  The woman represents Israel, and her child is Christ,  the Messiah.  Clearly, the woman is not the church. 

The woman noted as the persecuted Jewish saints clearly demonstrates that the church is not on earth during the Tribulation period.  Chapter twelve depicts the intense hatred Satan has against God and Israel, and in particular:  The Christ.

  • Satan's Obvious Hatred For God - vs.1-4

a.  His Object of Hatred - vs.1, 2   ...a woman... Direct reference to Israel
b.  His Origin of Hatred - vs.3,4
1.  He Is Arrogant - vs.3   ...a great red dragon...  
2. He Is Audacious - vs.4   ...his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven...  Satan's undertaker is his pride.

  • Satan's Obsessed Hatred For God - vs.5,6 - He strikes at Israel... the apple of God's eye.

a.  The Woman (Israel) In The Will Of God - vs.5   ...And she brought fourth a man child (Jesus)...
b. The Women In The Wilderness (anywhere outside of Jerusalem) - vs.6  Israel will take refuge among the Gentile nations during the latter half of the Tribulation... perhaps through Gentile believers.  See verses 13 through 17

Book of Revelation Chapter Twelve  continued...

  • ​Satan's Obliteration From God - vs. 7,18

a.  The War In Heaven - vs.7  ...And there was war in heaven...
b.  The Winner In Heaven - vs.8,9   ...And (Satan) prevailed not...  God Always Wins
Note The Results of This War:
1.  The Defeat of Satan - vs.7-8
2.  The Diminishing of Satan - vs.9
Note The Reaction To This War - vs.10-17
1.  Satan And His Anger - vs.10b-12c
 a.  His Action To Devour - vs.13 & 15   ...persecuted the woman...
 b.  His Attitude To Destroy - vs.17 ...make war with the remnant...
2.  Saints And Their Joy - vs.10a, 11
a.  The Joy of Salvation - vs.10a   ...Now is come salvation...
b.  The Joy of Sanctification - vs.10b   ...and strength...
c.  The Joy of Glorification - vs.10c  ...the kingdom of our God...
d.  The Joy of Devastation - vs.10d   ...the accuser (Satan)...is cast down...
3.  Sinners And Their Fear - vs.12
a.  Sinners Are Troubled - 12a   ...Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea...

b.  Sinners Are In Trouble - 12b   ...the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath..

It should be noted that Satan is not all powerful. He possess no raw material. He can only take that which God created and pervert it. As Believers, we should always acknowledge the biblical account that Satan is a fraud and a master counterfeiter with his false bibles, false professions, false prophets, false doctrines, false teachers and false miracles. He is defeated and defanged. Praise The Lord! Yet spiritual warfare is real and many sincere Christians are habitually defeated. Our only sufficiency necessary to expose Satan and his false prophets and their teachings is the Word of God under the direct influence of the Holy Spirit.

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger 

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